Floor stands created for the Meijer Local Fresh Campaign which promoted the partnership between local farmers and Meijer stores.
Floor stands created for the Meijer Local Fresh Campaign which promoted the partnership between local farmers and Meijer stores.
Floor stands created for the Meijer Local Fresh Campaign which promoted the partnership between local farmers and Meijer stores.
Layout, Print Production
Art Direction: Chris Kuhatschek
Layout, Print Production
Art Direction: Chris Kuhatschek
Layout, Print Production
Art Direction: Chris Kuhatschek
Grow Green Careers was an MNLA initiative to get people excited about careers in the green industry. This initiative was an opportunity for people to find jobs and learn more about the industry. As leadership changed, the branding pivoted to forthegreenergoodmi with a change in name logo, and overall look. Download the original brand guide here> or see below.
art direction, web design, social media, print, digital ads