Floor stands created for the Meijer Local Fresh Campaign which promoted the partnership between local farmers and Meijer stores.
Floor stands created for the Meijer Local Fresh Campaign which promoted the partnership between local farmers and Meijer stores.
Floor stands created for the Meijer Local Fresh Campaign which promoted the partnership between local farmers and Meijer stores.
Layout, Print Production
Art Direction: Chris Kuhatschek
Layout, Print Production
Art Direction: Chris Kuhatschek
Layout, Print Production
Art Direction: Chris Kuhatschek
i'm a pisces
Which means I am ruled by water and emotion. i'm overly sensitive and i am creative to my very core. i'm also crazy empathetic and will do what it takes to figure out what makes your brand tick, and why others will feel engaged with it.
i love being a designer and seeing where the path of creativity and collaboration ends up, and also, i get to giggle at the word "blowout."
From digital to print, product to illustration, I have skills that are ever evolving and turns out i know a lot about a lot.